Conférenciers invités__________________________________________________________________________ Dr Emmanuel Defay LIST - Luxembourg
Emmanuel has been leading the Ferroic Materials for Transducers group for the last five years at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. Prior to that, he spent 15 years with CEA LETI in Grenoble to develop piezoelectric thin films for Microsystems. From 2010 to 2012, he was an invited scholar at the University of Cambridge (UK) and by-Fellow of Churchill College, where he performed research on the electrocaloric effect for solid-state cooling. Emmanuel graduated from the National Engineering School in Mechanics and Microtechnology (ENSMM) Besançon in 1994. He obtained his PhD in Physics from INSA Lyon in 1999, the French “habilitation” (HDR) from the University of Grenoble in 2007. He published 136 papers, filed 33 patents, wrote 2 books and obtained 22 invited talks. He secured 14 academic and industrial projects as PI for an overall budget respectively of 6 M€ and 10 M€. His current research interests are transparent piezoelectric films and devices on glass, inkjet printing of functional oxides and polymers and electrocaloric materials and devices. __________________________________________________________________________ Dr Eric Dantras CIRIMAT - Toulouse
Eric Dantras a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en 2002, intitulée « Analyse de la mobilité moléculaire dans les dendrimères phosphorés par les spectroscopies diélectriques dynamique et thermostimulée », sous la direction du Pr C. Lacabanne. Depuis 2004, il est Maître de conférences à l'Université Paul Sabatier, et il assure la responsabilité dès 2010, de l’équipe Physique des Polymères du CIRIMAT. Co-auteur de 120 publications et de 7 brevets, il a codirigé 31 thèses. Ses thématiques de recherche sont désormais consacrées à l'analyse de la dynamique des chaînes macromoléculaires en corrélation avec leurs propriétés diélectriques, mécaniques et thermiques. __________________________________________________________________________ Pr Katja Loos ZIAM - Groningen (Pays-Bas)
Katja Loos is Professor at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands holding the chair of Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials. She specialized in Organic Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry during her university studies at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, Germany and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, USA. She moved into the field of Enzymatic Polymerizations during her doctoral research at the University of Bayreuth, Germany and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil. After a postdoctoral research stay at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY, USA she started an independent research group at the University of Groningen. Among other awards she received the very prestigious Feodor Lynen Fellowship award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a VIDI and a VICI grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and a Eleonore Trefftz guest professorship. Katja Loos is a Fellow of the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
___________________________________________________________________________ DR Mario Maglione ICMCB - Bordeaux
Mario Maglione received the Ph.D. degree from the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland (1987). Following three years with IBM Zürich Laboratories, Rüschlikon Switerland and post-doctoral positions with Mainz University, Mainz, Germany, and IBM Zürich, he joined in 1988, as a Junior CNRS Scientist, the Physics Laboratory, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. In 2000, he joined the CNRS Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry, University of Bordeaux, Pessac, France. He is currently the Director of the Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux. He has coauthored more than 240 papers and has been invited to approximately 55 international conferences. His research interests are mostly concerned with the investigation of ferroelectric materials of any shape from single crystals to ceramics, nanocomposites and thin films. Dr. Maglione has chaired some major meetings such as the International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectics (ISIF 2007) and the European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF2011). He is a member of the European and of the International Steering Committees for Ferroelectricity. He was the recipient of the 2009 IKEDA award of the Japan IKEDA Foundation. ___________________________________________________________________________ |
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